Our Partner Institutions
'We posit that effective participation in border crossing necessitates a procedural approach to reflexivity and positionality, combined with an acute awareness of the place-based nature of our intellectual praxis. Such praxis commits itself to building situated solidarities that can grapple with the larger interconnections produced by internationalization of economies and labor forces while challenging the colonialist prioritizing of West. These solidarities must be simultaneously attentive to the ways in which our ability to evoke the global in relation to the local, to configure the specific nature of our alliances and commitments, and to participate in social change are significantly shaped by our geographical, temporal, and socio-institutional locations, and by the process, events, and struggles unfolding in those locations.'
Richa Nagar, Muddying the Waters: Coauthering Feminisms across Scholarship and Activism (University of Illinois Press 2014)

The Network works closely with partners:
- The Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA) (Accra, Ghana)
- Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) (Tunis, Tunisia)
and Cluster of Excellence ‘Africa Multiple’:
Cooperation with our partners allows for knowledge exchange, networking with academics around the world, and cooperating on issues of joint interests. We work closely with our partners across the work streams, through various research formats, and coordinate our activities, which, in turn, allows us to participate jointly in mutual events, and be aware of the opportunities and exchanges happening within the project and at our partner institutions.