Special Issues
Durdiyeva, S. & Buckley-Zistel, S. (Eds.) (2025). Special Issue: Decolonising Theory and Practice of Transitional
Justice. Peacebuilding. (pending final review)
Rinck,P., Tripathi, S., Unrau, C. & Quack, S. (Eds.) (2024). Special Issue: World Ordering from the Margins. Global
Studies Quarterly, 4(3).
Glasman, J. & Lawson, B. (Eds.) (2023). Humanitarian Numbers. Journal of Humanitarian
Affairs, 5(1).
Buckley-Zistel, S. & Koloma Beck, T. (Eds.) (2022). Special Forum: Dekolonisiert Euch! Kritische Betrachtungen der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 11(2).
articles & Chapters
Avram, K. A., Buckley-Zistel, S. & Engelsdorfer, A. (2025). Challenging Peacebuilding from a Postcolonial Perspective. In: Tripathi, S. & Richter, S. (Eds.). Handbook on Peace and Conflict Studies: Perspectives from the Global South(s). Rowman and Littlefield International.
Collins, C. & Durdiyeva, S. (2025). ‘Too Long a Sacrifice?’ Post-transitional Justice and the Afterlives of Authoritarianism. Review Essay. Special Issue: Afterlives of Transitional Justice. International Journal of Transitional Justice.
Bonacker, T. & Sydiq, T. (2025). Looking beyond Peace and Conflict Studies: The Global South(s) in Other Disciplines. In: Tripathi, S. & Richter, S. (Eds.). Handbook on Peace and Conflict Studies: Perspectives from the Global South(s). Rowman and Littlefield International.
Çapan, Z. G. (2025). Archives. In: Jahn, B. & Schindler, S. (Eds.). Elgar Encyclopedia of International Relations. Edward Elgar. (in press)
Çapan, Z. G. (2025). Unwritable Pasts Unwritten: Poetics of the Past and the Shadows of the Presences. Global Studies Quarterly. (in press)
García Pinzón, V. (2025). Sovereignty and Local Governance in Violence-Affected Cities of Latin America. In: Biscotti, E. & Matlack, J.W. (Eds.). Sovereignty through Practice Multiscalarity, Reflexivity, and Interdisciplinarity. Routledge.
García Pinzón, V., Kucharzewski, T. & Nicola, S. (2025). Sovereignty in the field. Experiences and reflections on doing field research in contested settings. In: Biscotti, E. & Matlack, J.W. (Eds.). Sovereignty through Practice Multiscalarity, Reflexivity, and Interdisciplinarity. Routledge.
García Pinzón, V., Rodríguez, F. & Tripathi, S. (2025). From Decentering to (Re)centering in Peace and Conflict Studies: Contestations, Resignification and Collaborations. In: Tripathi, S. & Richter, S. (Eds.). Handbook on Peace and Conflict Studies: Perspectives from the Global South(s). Rowman and Littlefield International.
Glasman, J. (2025). Wer hat Angst vor der Globalgeschichte? Aktivismus und ‘Außereuropa‘ aus feldtheoretischer Sicht. Geschichte und Gesellschaft. (in press)
Pellicer, M. & Sydiq, T. (2025). Youth political mobilization in Arab countries. In: El Kurd, D. (Ed.). Handbook on Arab Authoritarianism. Bloomsbury.
Riegner, M. (2025). From the “New International Information Order” to global governance of knowledge. In: von Bernstorff, J., Dann, P. & Ranganathan, S. (Eds.). The battle for international law in the neoliberal era. Cambridge University Press.
Sandor, A., Frowd, P. & Hönke, J. (2025). Productive Failure, African agency, and security cooperation in West Africa: The case of the G5 Sahel. European Journal of International Security.
Tripathi, S. & Kaweesi, E. (2025). The Global South(s) and Peace and Conflict Studies: Asymmetries of Power, Definitions and Dilemmas. In: Tripathi, S. & Richter, S. (Eds.). Handbook on Peace and Conflict Studies: Perspectives from the Global South(s). Rowman and Littlefield International.
García Pinzón, V. (2024). Trajectories of Governance. Tracing the Entanglements of Order and Violence in Peripheral Cities of Latin America. Bristol University Press.
Hönke, J., Cezne, E. & Yang, Y. M. (2024). Africa’s Global Infrastructures: South-South Transformations in Practice. Hurst Publishers.
Castro, R. & García Pinzón, V. (2024). Peripheral Autonomy in a Multipolar Order: Latin American Reactions to the War in Ukraine. Bulletin of Latin American Research.
Tripathi, S. & Richter, S. (2024). Transient States and Timeless Ties: (In)Formality, Power Networks, and the EU Mission in Kosovo. International Studies Quarterly, 68(2), 1-14.
Durdiyeva, S. (2024). Towards Decolonial Agenda for Transitional Justice: „The Old is Dying and the New Cannot Be Born.“ In Thamil Ventham Ananthavinayagan and Amritha Vishwanath Shenoy (eds.), The Wretched of the Global South: Critical Approaches to International Human Rights Law. Springer Singapore.
Tripathi, S. (2024). India’s Diplomatic Strategies and Foreign Policy: Decoding the Saffron Elephant. In Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner (ed.) Diplomatic Strategies of Rising Nations in the Global South. Springer International.
García Pinzón, V. (2024). Trajectories of Governance. Tracing the Entanglements of Order and Violence in Peripheral Cities of Latin America. Bristol University Press.
Hönke, J., Cezne, E. & Yang, Y. M. (2024). Africa’s Global Infrastructures: South-South Transformations in Practice. Hurst Publishers.
Castro, R. & García Pinzón, V. (2024). Peripheral Autonomy in a Multipolar Order: Latin American Reactions to the War in Ukraine. Bulletin of Latin American Research.
Tripathi, S. & Richter, S. (2024). Transient States and Timeless Ties: (In)Formality, Power Networks, and the EU Mission in Kosovo. International Studies Quarterly, 68(2), 1-14.
Durdiyeva, S. (2024). Towards Decolonial Agenda for Transitional Justice: „The Old is Dying and the New Cannot Be Born.“ In Thamil Ventham Ananthavinayagan and Amritha Vishwanath Shenoy (eds.), The Wretched of the Global South: Critical Approaches to International Human Rights Law. Springer Singapore.
Tripathi, S. (2024). India’s Diplomatic Strategies and Foreign Policy: Decoding the Saffron Elephant. In Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner (ed.) Diplomatic Strategies of Rising Nations in the Global South. Springer International.
McCullough A. & Sandor, A. (2023). Briefing: How a Mutiny Became A(nother) Coup: The Politics of Counterinsurgency and International Military Partnerships in Niger. African Affairs, 122(489), 587-601.
Ketzmerick, M. (2023). The Anglophone crisis in Cameroon: local conflict, global competition, and transnational rebel governance. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 34(1), 247-278.
Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J. (2023). Intellectual imperialism and decolonisation in African Studies. Third World Quarterly.
Glasman, J. (2023). Petit manuel d’autodéfense à l’usage des volontaires. Les humanités humanitaires. Les Belles Letres, Paris.
Sydiq, T. (2023). Competing to Govern: Opportunities and Regime Responsiveness to Civilian Protests During the Taliban Insurgency in Afghanistan. In Rebel Governance in the Middle East (pp. 319-345). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Sydiq, T. (2023). Exploring transterranean activism as a research site beyond local protest sites. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 0(0), 1-17.
Stuchtey, B. (2023). Postkoloniales Denken. Aufarbeitung der Geschichte und Konfrontation mit der Gegenwart. Die Politische Meinung, 68(579), 84-88.
Jenss, A. (2023). Selective security in the war on drugs: The coloniality of state power in Colombia and Mexico. Transforming capitalism. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Durdiyeva, S. (2023). The Role of Civil Society in Transitional Justice Processes: The Case of Russia. Routledge Transitional Justice Series.
Sydiq, T. (2023). Entgrenzung von Gewalt in autoritärer Herrschaft. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 36(2), 269-282.
Rodríguez, F., & Bazán Seminario, C. (2023). Authoritarian practices between ‚para-coloniality‘ and ‚cheap security‘: when Chinese state capital meets neoliberal copper mining (and protests) in Las Bambas, Peru. Globalizations , 1-19.
Jenss, A. (2023). Everyday scalar politics: navigating insecurity in the competitive city. Urban Geography, 1-21.
Durdiyeva, S. (2022). Children of the Gulag, Long Road to Justice: The Challenges and Limitations of Reparations in Russia. International Journal of Transitional Justice , 16 (3), 380-395.
Basli, P. Buckley-Zistel, S., & Koloma Beck, T. (2022). On remembering, unlearning, and creating new stories: An interview with Priya Basil conducted by Susanne Buckley-Zistel and Teresa Koloma Beck. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 11(2).
Ketzmerick, M., & Sydiq, T. (2022). Europa dezentralisieren als Strategie – Was bedeutet „nicht-westlich“ in der und für die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung? Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 11(2).
Glasman, J. (2022). Universale Normen fallen nicht vom Himmel. Zeitschrift für Friedens-und Konfliktforschung, 11(2).
Buckley-Zistel, S., & Koloma Beck, T. (2022).Dekolonisiert Euch! Kritische Betrachtungen der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 11(2).
Guarneros, V. & Jenss, A. (2022). Transformed Security Practices: Informalization in the Production of Hegemony and Place, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 46(4), 614-630.
Cela, T., Ghimire, A., Poudel, M., Scuzzarella, S., Espinoza, M. V., Setrana, M. & Zanker, F. (2024). Feminist Migration Futures? Reflections on a Feminist Migration Policy. 26 September 2024. Sussex Centre for Migration Research (SCMR) Blog.
García Pinzon, V. & Kurtenbach, S. (2024). A Bad Sign for Colombia’s Total Peace: Talks with the ELN Suspended Indefinitely. 23 September 2024. GIGA Insights.
García Pinzón, V.; Salguero, J. (2024) Myths and hard Truths in the Latin American Security Landscape. (Part II) Noboa’s internal armed conflict in Ecuador. 28 June 2024. UVRN Urban Violence Research Network.
García Pinzón, V.; Salguero, J. (2024) Myths and hard Truths in the Latin American Security Landscape. (Part I) Bukele’s State of Emergency in El Salvador. 27 February 2024. UVRN Urban Violence Research Network.
Lechner, J., Eledinov, S. and Sandor, A. (2024) How Foreign Intervention Failed in Mali: Rival geopolitical actors have only made the country more dangerous. 10 September 2024. Foreign Policy.
Bazán Seminario, C.; Rodríguez, F., Minería china, para-colonialidad y autoritarismo: el caso Las Bambas, Perú. 19 October 2023. DPLf Fundación para el Debido Proceso.
Rodríguez, F., Bazán Seminario, C. (2023): Späte Nutznießer des Kolonialismus. Chinesische Staatsunternehmen als parakoloniale Akteure in Peru. iz3w 398, 16-17.
Rodríguez, F.; Wetterich, C., „Dekolonisierung der Hochschule. Im Spannungsfeld von Wissensproduktion und Wissensvermittlung“. 18 Juni 2023. Forum Wissenschaft 2/2023.
Durdiyeva, S., “Not in Our Name:” Why Russia is Not a Decolonial Ally or the Dark Side of Civilizational Communism and Imperialism. 29 May 2023. John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Review of International Affairs decolonial-ally-or-the-dark-side-of-civilizational-communism-and-imperialism/
Durdiyeva, S., April 2023 Blog: ‘The Virus of Truth’ – Protests and Documentation as an Impetus for Transitional Justice in Belarus. Oxford Belarus Observatory. protests-and-documentation-as-an-impetus-for-transitional
García Pinzón, V.; Salguero, J., Myths and hard Truths in the Latin American Security Landscape. (Part I) Bukele’s State of Emergency in El Salvador. 27 February 2024. UVRN Urban Violence Research Network.
Sydiq, T. A Fork In The Road For Khamenei. 10 February 2023. Zenith.
Glasman, J. White Saviourism is a Colonial Legacy. But White Indifference is the Larger One. The Humanitarian Blog. White Saviourism is a Colonial Legacy. But White Indifference is the Larger One. – Joël Glasman (
Sydiq, T. Aufbegehren ist ansteckend. 24 January 2023. welt-sichten.
Durdiyeva S. Transitional Justice. A Call for Decolonisation. 10 January 2023. FriEnt. protests-and-documentation-as-an-impetus-for-transitional
Buckley-Zistel, S., 2023 (script writer / educator): What caused the Rwandan Genocide
Buckley-Zistel, S., Frauen für Frieden. Interview am 06.03.2023 mit Susanne Buckley-Zistel auf, Alumniportal Deutschland.
Tripathi, S., E-International Relations. Interview am 15.09.2023 mit Siddharth Tripathi auf, E-IR.
Ghoutschi, S. K., Salehi, M., Sydiq, T. Für die Protestbewegung im Iran bedeutet Stabilität ein Leben in Unfreiheit. 28 December 2022. Frankfurter Rundschau. iran-proteste-politik-des-westens-keine-angst-vor-freiheitskaempfen-91997686.html
Sydiq, T. 20 October 2022. Nicht erst seit heute revolutionär. IPG Journal.
Sydiq, T. 4 October 2022. Das Pendel schwingt weiter. W+F Blog.
Sydiq, T. 28 June 2022. Warum Irans Führung die Hände gebunden sind. Zenith.
Buckley-Zistel, S., Frieden – Persönliche Sehnsucht – Politische Utopie. Podcast. Interview am 21.09.2022 mit Susanne Buckley-Zistel im Podcast> radioWissen, Bayern 2.
Buckey-Zistel, S., Brücken bauen: Friedens- und Konfliktforscherin Susanne Buckley-Zistel im Interview. Interview im August 2022 mit Susanne Buckley-Zistel im, Dialog-Magazin (Diakonie Düsseldorf).
The Policy Paper Series (PPS) serves to create and disseminate policy and practice-oriented knowledge created within the network ‚Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace & Conflict‘. The series addresses a broader audience of political actors including decision-makers and practitioners from international and grassroot organizations as well activist, journalistic, and think-tank networks. The series is particularly interested in showcasing collaborative research between scholars from the Global South and Global North. Policy Papers emphasize issues of positionality and reflexivity pertaining to the power asymmetries in which peace and conflict knowledge itself is embedded.