Postcolonial Hierarchies

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Tareq Sydiq

is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Conflict Studies and Coordinator of the Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace & Conflict Network. His research is centered around questions of state-society relationships particularly within authoritarian contexts, reframing and reinterpreting state power through the lens of protest and societal resistance.

He has previously worked on interest articulation and negotiation in Iran, with fieldwork during the protest movements in 2017/18. Currently, he is working on transformations of opportunity structures, e.g. in the post-Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and in the post-colonial period in Pakistan. He has previously worked as a JSPS fellow at the Center for Relational Studies on Global Crises at Chiba University in Japan.


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Sydiq, T. (2023). Competing to Govern: Opportunities and regime responsiveness to civilian protests during the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. In: Alijla, A. & Fraihat, I. (eds) Rebel Governance in the Middle East. Palgrave Macmillan.

Sydiq, T. (2023). Exploring transterranean activism as a research site beyond local protest sites. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 0(0), 1-17.

Sydiq, T. (2023). Entgrenzung von Gewalt in autoritärer Herrschaft. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen36(2), 269-282.

Ketzmerick, M., & Sydiq, T. (2022). Europa dezentralisieren als Strategie–Was bedeutet „nicht-westlich “in der und für die Friedens-und Konfliktforschung?. Zeitschrift für Friedens-und Konfliktforschung, 165–182.

Sydiq, T. (2022). Youth Protests or Protest Generations? Conceptualizing Differences between Iran’s Contentious Ruptures in the Context of the December 2017 to November 2019 Protests. Middle East Critique31(3), 201-219.

Sydiq, T. (2022). Autoritäre Interessenaushandlung: Wie Iraner*innen Politik innerhalb autoritärer Rahmenbedingungen gestalten. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Sydiq, T., & Ketzmerick, M. (2022). Decentralising Europe: Harnessing Alternative Theories of IR. In Non-Western Global Theories of International Relations (pp. 19-42). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Sydiq, T., & Tekath, M. (2022). Youth as generational configurations: Conceptualising conflicts along generation-based dynamics. Peacebuilding10(1), 51-65.

Bonacker, T., Sydiq, T. (2021): The International and the Construction of Opposition in Iran. In: Ouaissa R., Pannewick F., Strohmaier A. (eds) Re-Configurations. Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Sydiq, T. (2020): Vom Protest- Zum Quarantänejahr: Neue Arenen Der Konfliktaushandlung. Zeitschrift Für Friedens- Und Konfliktforschung.

Soudias, D. & Sydiq, T. (2020): Theorizing the Spatiality of Protest. Special Issue in Contention: The Multidiscplinary Journal of Social Protest

Sydiq, T. (2020): Asymmetries of Spatial Contestations. Controlling Protest Spaces and Coalition-Building during the Iranian December 2017 Protests, in: Soudias, D. & Sydiq, T. (eds): Theorizing the Spatiality of Protest. Special Section in Contention: The Multidiscplinary Journal of Social Protest

Ciftci, S., Nawaz, M. A., & Sydiq, T. (2016). Globalization, Contact, and Religious Identity: A Cross‐National Analysis of Interreligious Favorability. Social Science Quarterly.